Math Ratios
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History of the Golden Ratio

The golden ratio, a mathematical concept that has fascinated mathematicians, artists, and philosophers for millennia, boasts an intriguing history. Its allure lies in the balance and harmony it represents, and its presence in nature, art, and architecture.

Early History of the Golden Ratio

The early history of the golden ratio can be traced back to the ancient Egyptians. Some historians believe that the design of the Great Pyramid of Giza (around 2589–2566 BC) reflects the golden ratio. Although this claim is debated, the golden ratio's potential use in Egyptian architecture testifies to its longstanding fascination.

The Golden Ratio in Ancient Greece

The golden ratio was formally defined in Euclid's "Elements" (around 300 BC), one of the most influential works in the history of mathematics. Euclid called it the "division of a line into extreme and mean ratio." This definition remained the standard for many centuries, and Euclid's work was a significant contribution to the field of geometry.

The Golden Ratio During the Renaissance

The Italian mathematician Leonardo of Pisa, commonly known as Fibonacci, introduced the Fibonacci sequence in his book "Liber Abaci" in 1202. While he did not directly mention the golden ratio, the ratio of consecutive terms in the Fibonacci sequence converges to the golden ratio.

F(n+1) / F(n) ≈ Φ (for large n)

During the Renaissance, artists and architects were attracted to the aesthetic appeal of the golden ratio. Luca Pacioli wrote a three-volume treatise on architecture, "De Divina Proportione" (1509), discussing the golden ratio. Leonardo da Vinci, who illustrated Pacioli's book, also used the golden ratio in his art, although the extent of its application remains a topic of debate.

Modern Times

In the 19th century, mathematician Martin Ohm (1792–1872) is believed to be the first to use the term "Golden" to describe the ratio. Following this, the golden ratio began to be more widely known and used in various fields of study.

The Golden Ratio in the 20th Century and Beyond

The 20th century saw the golden ratio's influence in surprising places, from the world of art, with the works of Salvador Dalí, to nature, with phyllotaxis studies in botany. Its mathematical properties also continued to be a subject of academic interest, finding relevance in areas such as number theory and complex function theory.

Impact on Famous Mathematicians

Over the years, the golden ratio's unique properties have had a profound impact on many mathematicians. Euclid, Fibonacci, and Pacioli, among others, contributed to its understanding. Furthermore, the golden ratio has also influenced modern mathematicians such as Roger Penrose, who used it to develop aperiodic tilings known as Penrose tiles.

The Golden Ratio in Today's Mathematics

Today, the golden ratio is a well-established concept in mathematics, appearing in various branches including geometry, algebra, and number theory. Its elegant properties continue to captivate mathematicians, and ongoing research expands our understanding of its role in complex mathematical structures.


The history of the golden ratio is intertwined with the history of mathematics itself. From ancient architecture to Renaissance art, from the Fibonacci sequence to the Penrose tiles, the golden ratio remains a consistently fascinating and relevant concept in various fields of knowledge.

The Golden Ratio Tutorials

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